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What Are We Looking For?

Our second issue has no theme! We want read about whatever is important to you.

If you need inspiration, why not try writing about these prompts:

  • What tv character made the biggest impact on you growing up and why?

  • What things in your life never fail to make you smile?

  • What historical event enthrals you the most?

  • How much have you changed recently?

  • What do you just not understand?

These prompts could help you with writing essays or letters but we are also are interested in reading your erratic short stories. Everything is welcome. We want to give the opportunity to publish to all young people who haven't had the chance yet. 

Please submit all your work to and include the following:

  • Your name and age (or let us know if you would prefer to remain anonymous)

  • Your work in any easily accessible form 

  • The title of your work and if you'd like, a description of what inspired you to write it

  • If you would like, you can include a short profile of yourself as a writer or artist

PLEASE NOTE: When you submit your work to us you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions

This is a reminder of all the forms of writing we accept:

  • Short stories

  • Poems

  • Letters

  • Discursive essays on relevant topics

  • Short plays or a monologue 

  • Confessions

  • Film, art or music reviews

  • Any artwork is also welcome for the background

We will endeavour to publish everything submitted, but we cannot make any promises incase unforeseen circumstances arise. Please note, by submitting your work, you are giving New Exprezzine permission to publish it however, you still keep the rights to your work. Please make sure the work you are submitting has not already been published. 

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